Permit is an instrument/permission issued by the State Transport Authority or any Regional Transport Authority to use a motor vehicle as a transport vehicle.
Stage Carriage are those vehicles constructed to carry more than 6 passengers excluding the driver for hire individual passenger either for the whole journey or for various stages of the journey.
Contract Carriage means a motor vehicle which carries a passenger for hire & is engaged under a contract on a fixed or an agreed rate or sum; on a time basis or for a journey from one point to another.
Private Service Vehicle means a motor vehicle ordinarily used by or on behalf of the owner of such vehicle for the purpose of carrying persons for or in connection with his trade or business other than hire or reward but does not include the vehicle for any profit seeking purposes.
Public Service Vehicle&nbsh2p;means any motor vehicle used for carriage of passengers for hire and it includes motor cab, maxi cab, contract carriage and stage carriage.
An Indian citizen / any transport operator/ Co-operative Societies willing to enter into the transport business can apply for a permit of any category of vehicle of his / her / its choice.
STA means the State Transport Authority. It is authorized to issue Stage Carriage Permit for Four and more than 4(Four) Regions (Districts), All Bengal Luxury Taxi Permit, Inter State Permit, etc.
RTA means the Regional Transport Authority for a particular Revenue District.
It is authorized to issue Stage Carriage Permit for 3(Three) Districts, Contract Carriage Permit, Taxi-Permit, Goods Permit, National Permit etc.
O.L. – Offer-Letter,
HPA – Addition of Higher Purchase Agreement,
HPTER – Deletion of Higher Purchase Agreement,
S.L. – Sanction Letter,
C.C. – Contract Carriage,
P.S.V. – Private/Public Service Vehicle,
H.S.R.P. – High Security Registration Plate,
C.O.F. – Certificate of Fitness.
Application in Form no-XIII coupled with photo copy of address proof, PAN Card, P.Tax, I-T return, Bank pass book, Colour Photograph of the applicant is to be submitted before the RTA for the specific regions as per choice of the applicant. Upon hearing before the RTA Board, Offer-Letter is issued to the applicant. On completion of Registration of the vehicle as per technical specification, Permit is issued on realization of Govt. Fees.
This procedure is called Transfer of Permit or Transfer of Ownership of the vehicle. In that case a joint application of the buyer & the seller together with Form no- 29 & 30 ( Form no-31 in case of Death), address proof & PAN Card of both the buyer & the seller, affidavits sworn by the buyer, the seller & jointly by both of them, Form no-35, N.O.C. of the Financier(if the vehicle is hypothecated),all valid documents (tax token, Insurance certificate, PUC,CoF,RC) are to be submitted before the RTA. After observance of some procedure i,e verification of sale of the vehicle, hearing regarding transfer of permit, the ownership of the said commercial vehicles is transferred from the seller to the buyer.
The holder of a permit may, with the permission of the authority by which the permit was granted, replace any vehicle covered by the permit by any other vehicle of the same nature. In case of KMC, Salt Lake & Lake town Police station areas plying of commercial vehicle is restricted upto 15 years from the date of initial registration.
Application in a plain sheet of paper along with valid tax token, insurance certificate, PUC, COF, of the existing vehicles and NOC of the financier, if hypothecated, are to be submitted along with application fees of Rs.1000/-before the authority.
Application in prescribed Form ( Form no-I for Stage Carriage/ Spl. Stage Carriage & Form no-II for Contract Carriage) along with valid CoF, Insurance certificate, Tax Token, NOC of the Financier (if the vehicle is hypothecated) are to be submitted with application Fee of Rs.500/-.
Renewal of Permit for the next 5 years considering the age of the vehicle (15 years restricted for commercial vehicle) is granted on realization of Fees.
Application in form no-46 coupled with photo copy of address proof, PAN Card, 1-T return, Bank Pass Book, Coloured Photo of the applicant is to be submitted before the RTA for a specific route as per choice of the applicant. Upon hearing before the RTA Board Offer-Letter is issued to the applicant. On completion of registration of the vehicles as per technical specification permit is issued on realization of Govt. fees.
Any institution can procure this kind of Permit for carrying staffs of its concern without any profit making purposes.
Application in prescribed Form no-XIII along with the valid RC,Tax token, Insurance certificate, PUC, CoF, certificate of the concern, address proof of the concern are to be submitted & application Fees is to be deposited.
What are some common queries related to RTO West Bengal?
You can find a list of common RTO West Bengal queries and their answer in the link below.
RTO West Bengal queries and its answers
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What are the functions executed by the Regional Transport Authority regarding control of permit ?
Issuance of new offer-letters & subsequently permits, renewal of permits, transfer of ownership of the commercial vehicles & transfer of permit there of, replacement of commercial vehicles, necessary endorsements on the permits ( HPA, HPTER, Change of address/route alignments, replaced·vehicles etc), issuance duplicate permit ( in case of lost ,torn, defaced permit).
What is the validity period of O.L. S.L. & replacement order ?
The Offer-Letter, Sanction Letter & Replacement Order are issued for 30(thirty) days. The validity period can be extended, as per approyal of the authority, upto 180 days on submission of Form-21/Temporary registration document & the Govt. revenues.
If a part of permit is torn, defaced or the Permit is lost, what is to be done ?
Upon the prayer of the permit holder the authority verifies if any police case is pending against the Permit Vehicle. On the basis of police verification report and on realization of a fees of Rs.1000/- per part duplicate permit is issued.
If one gets an Offer-Letter of a Stage Carriage/ Sp/. Stage Carriage Permit what is the next course of action ?
The offeree is to purchase a vehicle of appropriate Class and approved make as per CMVR 1989. The vehicle is to be Registered in favour of the offeree. Then the offeree can apply for the permanent permit by producing the vehicle particulars, valid tax-token, insurance certificate of the vehicle.