An application for the fees concession is generally written by the parents to the principal. A fees concession letter to the Principal would probably be the least discussed topic, but it did come to the forefront during the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to write an application for fee concession in college or a school, you can check the samples in the article below.
A fees concession letter can be written either to the principal or the head of the college or university. A concession application is basically like a formal letter or an application to the Principal to request a concession in the fees of your child.
At times, a fees concession letter can be written for a fee waiver, but as a parent, you must also understand the policies of the institution and then claim for a fee waiver or a fee concession. There can be numerous reasons for writing a concession application, but it is essential to mention a valid reason behind the concession.
Writing an application for a fee concession in college or a fees concession letter to the principal of a school is not so difficult, but to better understand the format, you can refer to the below-provided sample letters.
DAV Public School
Sub: Requesting for a fee concession
I am Jeevitha Nanda, mother of Twinkle Nanda (studying in Class 7th section C of your school). I beg to state that I am not in a position to pay the fees of my daughter. Her father had passed away during the second wave of covid, and we have not been financially stable since then.
I hope that you understand our concern and try to consider our situation. I do not want her studies to be interrupted in between since she has been a very bright student and has a keen interest in studies. She has been the topper of her class since the beginning, and I assure you that she will maintain the same till she completes her education.
I request you to kindly consider giving a fee concession. Awaiting your response.
Mother of Twinkle Nanda
Class VII CSubject: Request for a fee concession
I am Soumya Ahuja, a student of the Commerce department of your university with registration number 987654. I am writing this letter to enquire if there is a possibility to apply for a fee concession for my 3rd and 4th semester. Owing to the pandemic, my parents have not been receiving their full salary and it has become extremely difficult for us to manage all expenses.
I have been doing really good in all the semesters, and I promise to keep the same in further semesters as well. Considering the policies of the university, I will have to drop out of the university after this semester if I do not receive a concession.
Hoping for a positive response from your end and I shall be highly obliged if my request is considered.
Registration number- 987654
In order to get a fees concession, the candidate will have to write an application stating the reason behind the request for the concession. If the person is a ration card holder, then he or she will have to provide a copy of it along with the letter of concession.
Yes, being a student, you can write a fee concession letter to your Principal, but keep in mind that you mention the proper reason behind the request for concession and write the letter in a formal and humble manner.
Yes, there can be a concession in fees for one particular semester but make sure to mention a valid reason for asking for the concession.