How to Train a Beagle Puppy – The Ultimate Guide

How To Train a Beagle Puppy

How exciting! You’ve decided to add a Beagle to your family. Good choice. They are a personal favorite breed of mine.

There will certainly never be a dull moment in your house once you decide to share it with a Beagle. They just ooze charm and character. But they will run rings around you if you don’t put the right training and boundaries in place. Lucky for you, we’re here with our ultimate guide to training your Beagle pup to set you off on the right paw for a long and happy relationship. Just like Snoopy, your Beagle will be your very best friend.

Prerequisites for training my Beagle puppy

What age can I start to train my Beagle puppy?

You can start training your Beagle puppy as soon as you get them home. We know that all you’ll probably want to do is cuddle them and kiss them, but they’re super intelligent and very active, so you’ll also need to keep your Beagle busy with plenty of learning. Beagles are really eager to please, but they don’t come pre-programd to know what appropriate behavior is and what is not. It’s down to you to show your Beagle the ropes, so they become the polite companion you hoped for.

Like most dogs, Beagles thrive on boundaries and consistency. You’ll want to make sure you’re training them with these in mind, all while using positive reinforcement-based training. We can start you off with a personalized training program straight away in the Zigzag puppy training app. In fact, you can even use it before you bring your Beagle puppy home in our pre-puppy section; pretty handy before all action starts happening. You can also get in touch with our Zigzag puppy experts with any of the many questions you may have, and they’ll be happy to lend a paw.

What do I need to train my Beagle?

Beagles are fairly fuss-free when it comes to equipment, but here are a few essentials you will need as you begin your training journey.

A treat pouch – You’ll want to have plenty of treats on hand to reward your pup for all the wonderful things they’re going to do like pottying outside or giving you a sit. My favorite all-rounder is the Rapid Rewards treat pouch; it comes in many colors and looks rather stylish. The Mikki treat pouch is also good and a bit cheaper.

A comfortable collar – Although we’d like to see your Beagle wearing a harness when out on walks, it’s the law for a dog to wear a collar and ID tags in many countries too. Wouldn’t want to get in trouble with the authorities. These are some of our favorites.

A harness – Beagles do like to pull while learning loose leash walking, so a harness is preferable in the early days to prevent neck injury. My favorites are padded ones like the Dog Copenhagen or Fleece-lined Perfect Fit. Find a harness that fits well and doesn’t restrict any movement. There are indeed good budget-friendly harnesses that are still good to go for, like the True Love padded harness.

A leash – A training leash is vital for a Beagle – around 2m should do it, but 5m in the early stages is brilliant. You will read plenty of articles that claim Beagles can never be trusted off leash, but this isn’t the case…if you put the work in, of course. We reviewed leads here if you’d like us to “lead the way” for your choice.

A comfortable mat or a piece of non-slip vet bed Not much to say about this, just that puppies need their beauty sleep too – it will reflect on their mood and willingness to learn, trust us.

Treats – The more smelly, the better. The wide range of options doesn’t help to make up your mind, so you can find our narrowed down review here to help you out.

Chews and chew toys – Lots of them! Our faves for Beagles are West Paw Toppl and Hollow Buffalo Horns for stuffing food into, and cow ears and pizzles for edible chews. Kongs and Licki mats are fantastic too, literally anything that involves food your Beagle is going to love.

Two identical toys: Excellent for swaps. Your Beagle puppy will be super playful and enjoy all the retrieving games we’ve got in the Zigzag app. It might take some time for them to get the hang of it, though; they love the chase part but are less keen on bringing it back and can easily get distracted. Persevere with plenty of food rewards, and your Beagle will learn the fun of it in no time.

A soft grooming brush – Beagles’ coats generally don’t require much grooming, but they can shed a lot of hair, which isn’t so amazing for your clothes and furniture. You’ll find it important to brush them, or at least get them used to being handled and brushed.

A crate and/or a playpen are optional, but I can honestly say that most Beagle owners would not be so happy without them. Beagles aren’t known for choosing to switch off – especially when they are puppies and young dogs – so having a safe space for an undisturbed rest is really important for them…and for your sanity.

Good to know about training Beagle puppies

What are Beagles bred for?

Before you begin to train your Beagle, it’s important to know a little about your merry little hound’s history and why they were bred in the first place. Understanding where they came from is quite enlightening to know how best to approach training.

Beagles are a historic breed referring to them as far back as 1475. They were bred to chase hares and rabbits. They are scent hounds that will start calling using their baying howl to alert attention once on the trail of a scent. It’s actually a wonderful sound and unlike the bark of other breeds.

What does this have to do with how I train my Beagle?

Well, knowing more about the breed will help you understand your Beagle much better and hence help you train them in a much more effective (and loving) way.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Overview of the Beagle training program and topics we’ll cover

How we build this program: Push Drop Stick

So we know Beagles are clever. This also means they can get bored and frustrated when doing the same thing over and over again. They can very much have the ‘what’s in it for me look ‘ when you ask them to do something.

To get better and faster results, you want to avoid boredom. The ‘Push Drop Stick’ strategy will be the way to gradually increase the difficulty of exercises.

In the ‘Push Drop Stick’ strategy, you essentially do the same thing 5 times with your pup. Did they get all 5 right? Move to the next level of difficulty (push). Got 3 or 4 right? Almost there – but you should stay on that same level of difficulty for some more rounds. If they only get 1 or 2 right, you drop down to an easier version of the exercise.

This will help keep it interesting for your Beagle. A young Beagles’ attention span can be short, especially if an interesting smell wafts over their nose. Make sure your pup is always winning at training to keep their focus nice and sharp.

Week 1 – Training your Beagle puppy

In the first week, we’ll dive straight into socialization exercises, training and husbandry tasks.

This is the time when you’re first bringing your Beagle home, so make sure to take some time to get to know them. They can be very full-on as puppies, so you’ll want to give them plenty of good quality rest time too.

You might also need to think about Beagle-proofing your yard; you’ll need at least a six-foot fence all the way around. As I said, they can jump… high. That nose really can take over sometimes.

Socialization exercises Training TasksHusbandry Tasks
– Let your puppy explore the yard
– Teach your puppy about surfaces
– Name
– Sit
– Recall
– Retrieve
-Crate Training
– Potty Training
– Alone Training
– Quiet Training
– Brushing
– Hand Touch

Sleep Training – The First Week

Beagle puppies are just like any other breed, and will want to be with you at all times. However, they can also often be quite independent so that you might find that your Beagle is happy being left alone overnight quite quickly. Having a crate or bed next to your bed for the first few nights will help them adjust and feel comfortable in their new home while you get them into a Puppy night-time routine. Having them close will help tremendously to avoid accidents since they can tell you if they need the toilet. It will also make them feel much better since you’ll be there for reassurance in the middle of the night.

Alone Training

Teaching your Beagle puppy that they can be totally fine being left alone will be a process. But it can be done well with stuffed chew toys, time and patience. It’s worth doing alone training from that first week. Often, Beagles’ independent nature and the sheer joy at being left with a stuffed Kong will far outweigh being alone.

Potty Training

Your Beagle might be at the top dog at alone training, but this most likely won’t be the case with potty training. Practically everything you read about Beagles will tell you that potty training your Beagle puppy can be a challenge, sad but true. Check out our puppy potty training guide and keep your eyes peeled so that you can be ready to take them out to prevent accidents indoors! Consistency is key!

Socialization Exercises

This first week will be all about getting your Beagle puppy used to their new home. We can also start puppy socialization exercises such as:

Training Tasks

Let’s start off with some basic training for your Beagle puppy. Remember to use lots of treats when training. They absolutely love their food rewards!

Preventing Resource Guarding

To avoid resource guarding, it’s important to teach your Beagle puppy that giving ‘stuff’ up will bring about fabulous rewards. This is basically when they have something they don’t want to let go of, like a chew toy, a sock or sometimes just a scrap of tissue. By the way, if you chase them around, it will only want to make them play much more and run away from you even further. For them, it’s the game of a lifetime.

Swaps will do the trick. You’ll want to do loads of them so that they learn that you’ll trade them for whatever they have. Since they don’t have hands to explore things, everything they find will likely go in their mouth.

Husbandry Tasks

Beagles love to be touched and stroked, but they’re really not as tough as they make out to be and should be handled with care. This first week we’ll be focussing on handling your puppy:

Week 2 -Training your Beagle puppy

You’ve made it to week 2. Well done! We’re sure you might be quite tired as the whirlwind of owning a Beagle puppy is in full force. But you’re doing just fine, we can tell. This week we’ll be covering

Socialization exercisesTraining tasksHusbandry Tasks
– Fireworks
– Watch the world go by outside
– Play dress up
– Sit in the car
– Invite friends over
– Alone Training
– Crate Training
– Potty Training
– Name – in yard
– Recall – cue word
– Fetch
– Drop
– Sit – add a cue word
– Leash walking
– Grooming

Socialization Exercises

It’s important to get your Beagle used to novelty, interesting sounds and to go in and out of the car while they’re young and in their socialization period.

This week, we’ll try the following socialization and habituation exercises with your Beagle puppy:

Training Tasks

We’ll crack on with some training this week, nothing too tricky! Only a few more useful things for a young Beagle puppy to learn:

Husbandry Tasks

Week 3 of training your Beagle puppy

It’s Week 3! We hope you’ve started to get into the swing of this Beagle puppy training lark. This week, we’re going to be covering:

Socialization exercisesTraining Exercises Husbandry Tasks
– Scent Trails
– Go for a drive
– Invite Friends Over
– Write a puppy socialization checklist
– Recall – outside in the yard
– Four Paws on the floor
– Not Jumping up
– Down
– Generalization
– Alone Training
– Harness fitting

Socialization Exercises

Training Tasks

Husbandry Tasks

Week 4 – Training your Beagle puppy

Four weeks in already! I bet you’re really getting to know your Beagles’ character now. This week we’re going to cover:-

Socialization exercises Training TasksHusbandry Tasks
– Meet another dog
– Find a puppy class
– Settle on a mat
– Leash walking
– Recall games
– Push/drop/stick on known exercises
– Grooming sensitive areas

Socialization Exercises

Training Tasks

Husbandry Tasks

Week 5 – Training your Beagle puppy

In week 5, we’re going to be doing some training outside. If your puppy isn’t fully vaccinated yet, you can always opt to take them out in your arms or a bag so that they get to see the world. As long as their paws don’t touch the floor, everything is fine.

We’re taking a look at

Socialization exercisesTraining TasksHusbandry Tasks
– Go to the bar – you deserve it!
– Tick 3 things off your personal socialization checklist
– Alone Training
– Recall – outside using a leash
– Leash walking – outside
– Push/drop/stick on known exercises
– Pretend nail clips
– Grooming

Socialization Exercises

Training Tasks

Husbandry Tasks

Week 6 – Training your Beagle puppy

In week 6 of training your Beagle puppy, we’re going to be

Socialization exercises Training TasksHusbandry Tasks
– Tick 3 things off your personal checklist – Following on walks
– Push/drop/stick on known exercises
– Check your puppy’s mouth
Socialization Exercises

Training Tasks

Husbandry Tasks

Start gently, just see if you can lift their lip and reward them with a treat to begin with, then gradually open their mouth a little more, giving them lots of verbal praise. Let’s face it, none of us like people looking in our mouths, so we need to teach your puppy that although a little unpleasant, it’s quite normal.

Week 7 – Training your Beagle puppy

We hope you’re enjoying training your Beagle puppy. They’re probably getting quite big now, but don’t forget they won’t be mentally mature for some time, so be mindful of your expectations on how they behave.

This week we’re going to teach you about:

Socialization exercises Training TasksHusbandry Tasks
– Puppy Parkour
– Tick 3 things off your personal checklist
– Wait
– Walk with a friend’s dog
-Recall – off the leash
– Push/drop/stick on known exercises
– Pretend ear drops

Socialization Exercises

Training Tasks

Husbandry Tasks

Week 8 – Training your Beagle puppy

We’re in our final week of this guide, but this isn’t the end of your training. Oh no! Not even close. Sorry to break it to you, but training your Beagle will go on for many years to come. In fact, probably their whole lives. But who doesn’t love a life-long student?

This week we’ll be teaching you about:

Socialization exercises Training TasksHusbandry Tasks
– Joggers and Cyclists
– Tick 3 things off your personal checklist
– Practice exercises in different locations
– Teach a hand target
– Introduce nose work
– Push/drop/stick on known exercises
– Nail trims

Socialization Exercises

Training Tasks

Husbandry Tasks

What’s next for your Beagle puppy?

We hope you’ve enjoyed our 8-week guide to train your Beagle puppy and come away with some tips and useful exercises to teach.

If you’d like to make some friends along the way, look out for “Beagle walks” in your area. Often, groups of Beagle owners meet together for walks, and the dogs love to interact with their long lost cousins. The howling sounds they make when together in a large group is quite something!

Looking for more puppy training tips? Discover the best places for online puppy training next. Why not look at some of the other training you can do with your Beagle puppy in the Zigzag puppy training app? You’ll find more in-depth training, games and socialization advice – access to a team of experts to help you every step of the way too. They’re awfully friendly too.

Picture of By Zigzag Puppy Expert, Lisa Milleret

By Zigzag Puppy Expert, Lisa Milleret

Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour (DipCABT Hons), certified Animal Behaviourist (ICAN) and a full member of the COAPE Association of Applied Pet Behaviourists and Trainers. Read More