A thorough study of traditional English grammar and discussion of some non-traditional questions. We attempt to demystify the language of grammar, learn to analyze sentences, contrast literary styles through the language of grammar, and consider differences between dialects and Standard English. Attention will be given to applications for both native and non-native learners of English
Course objectives: At the end of this course students will be able to:
1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of English grammar
2. show various purposes for which language is used
3. recognize the impact of cultural, economic, political and social environ-
ments upon language, and
4. take informed stands on issues of professional concern.
Elaine Brooks
Practical English Grammar
1. Course text: An Introduction to English Grammar, 3 rd ed., by Sidney Greenbaum and Gerald Nelson (Pearson Longman, 2009).
2. Participation: Be prepared with written exercises/assignments in order to discuss them and raise questions as well as to respond to classmates and instructor. Prompt and regular attendance is also a requirement; no more than 4 unexcused absences, please. In addition to written homework (grammar exercises, stylistic analyses, and responses to readings), there will be approximately 4 quizzes and a final exam.
3. Grading:
Written homework (grammar exercises, stylistic analyses, and responses): 40%