MRP 23: How to Negotiate a Surface Use Agreement

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A Surface Use Agreement (SUA) is a contract between the surface owner and the lessee (usually oil & gas company) to an oil and gas lease. This contract outlines the rights, duties, and obligations by both the landowner and operator including things like the size of the surface disturbance that will be allowed when constructing well pads and roads, compensation for any property damage that might be done by the operator. This agreement helps resolve any ambiguity and uncertainty for both parties. Some states require them before a well can be drilled. Listen to this episode to learn how to negotiate a Surface Use Agreement (SUA).

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Most states provide oil and gas operators with access to the surface estate overlying any reservoir to be drilled. The mineral estate is sometimes called the “dominant estate”. In other words, the mineral estate is entitled to the right of accessing the surface estate for the purposes of accessing hydrocarbons below ground. This gets complicated with advent of horizontal drilling since minerals below the surface well pad may not actually get developed since producing zones may be under other tracts.

Some states have passed legislation to help navigate this which we’ll talk about later.

To understand the things you should consider when negotiating a Surface Use Agreement, it helps to understand what types of activities are going to happen on your land as part of drilling a well. In Episode 15 of the Mineral Rights Podcast we talk about the full lifecycle of an oil and gas well and the typical activities involved.

How to Negotiate an Oil and Gas Surface Use Agreement:

Statutes to protect surface owners:

Many states have passed legislation that requires oil and gas companies to take certain steps when faced with a split estate. A few examples of states that have done this includes Colorado, Wyoming, and North Dakota.

These protections require notifying surface owners of things like date of the start of drilling, a copy of the plan of operations, contact information for the operator, etc. They also require compensation for certain surface disturbances like pipeline installation.

If the operator and surface owner can’t reach an agreement on damages, some states grant the operator the right to proceed with the development with damages to be determined through arbitration or litigation after the fact.

SUA Clauses:

In no particular order, here are things to consider when negotiating a Surface Use Agreement. Remember that pretty much everything is on the table for negotiation as it relates to water usage, land usage, and leasing your minerals.