The Benefits of a Daily Opening and Closing Checklist for Restaurants

The Benefits of a Daily Opening and Closing Checklist for Restaurants

Before you open up for the day and after the last group of customers leaves, there are two very important things that happen: getting the restaurant ready for opening and closing the restaurant once the dust has settled.

There are a ton of things to get done at open and close. Opening and closing checklists ensure that all tasks that are crucial for maintaining cleanliness, food safety and smooth service are completed at each shift. Cheap to create and easy to use, checklists are widely used across the industry. Keep reading to learn:

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What is an opening and closing checklist?

A restaurant opening and closing checklist is a list of tasks that restaurant employees must complete at the start or end of the workday. These checklists are usually either printed on paper or made available and submitted digitally via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Team members who work the opening and closing shifts check tasks off on the lists as they complete them.

Typically, restaurants create opening and closing checklists respective to each team—FOH, BOH and management—and the tasks they’re responsible for. Openers and closers aren’t necessarily responsible for doing each task themselves, but they are responsible for making sure someone has done them.

What are the benefits of using restaurant opening and closing checklists?

Running a smooth operation at a restaurant requires all team members to work together towards a common goal. But when there are lots of people doing things and many things to be done, even the most obvious tasks can be forgotten. Checklists help staff members make sure that no task, big or small, gets forgotten.

Implementing a systematic process for completing important tasks in your restaurant brings nothing but benefits—for you, your staff, your guests and your bottom line. Here are some of the key benefits of having a restaurant opening checklist and restaurant closing checklist in place.

These are just a few reasons why having restaurant open and close checklists is so important. Include the checklists in the employee handbook so that employees can always find them.

Four tips for implementing restaurant opening and closing checklists

Ready to implement opening and closing checklists in your restaurant? Here’s how to do it in four easy steps:

  1. Brainstorm tasks . First, you need to come up with the tasks that will be on the checklists. Copy and paste from our examples below, and be sure to ask your FOH and BOH employees which tasks they think should be included. They’re the ones on the ground floor and their insights will help.
  2. Create your restaurant checklists . Once you’ve gathered your information, you can create a simple two-column checklist in a spreadsheet editor like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Staff can check off or initial tasks as they complete them, then sign off and date the checklist when it’s complete. You’ll want to create separate checklists for opening and closing shifts for each team (BOH, FOH and management).
  3. Share expectations with the team . If you’ve never used checklists at your restaurant before, we recommend announcing them to the team in an all-staff meeting or via your team’s communication tool. Explain how they’ll be used and expectations for using them.
  4. Keep it organized and accessible . Keep copies of the checklists in a binder in the office or in an area that’s relevant to each function (e.g. host stand for FOH, kitchen entrance for BOH and office for managers). If you want to go completely digital, consider creating a checklist in your iPad’s Notes application and sharing it with whoever is responsible for ensuring each task is completed.

By following these four simple steps, you’ll have an effective opening and closing checklist protocol up and running in no time.

Front-of-house restaurant opening checklists

The FOH team needs to ensure that the restaurant is ready for customers when it opens. This may involve some or all of the following tasks: