Forgot your ID? We can help!

You’ll find your account number on the statement you received from Sun Life.

You can find your account number in the upper right corner of your Sun Life statement.

If you haven’t received your account number, please contact the person who manages your plan.

Where can I find this?

You’ll find your contract number on correspondence such as;

You can find your contract number in the upper right corner of your Sun Life claim statement or on your coverage or drug card.

If you haven’t received your contract number, please contact the person or team who manages your plan.

Where can I find this?

You’ll find your member ID on correspondence such as;

You can find your member ID in the upper right corner of your Sun Life claim statement or on your coverage or drug card.

If you haven’t received your member ID, please contact the person or team who manages your plan.

Where can I find this?

You’ll find your account number or contract number or policy number on correspondence you received from Sun Life. Depending on your product selection you could have received;

If you’ve purchased personal health benefits please enter your information under Health/dental/disability benefits.

If you haven’t received this information, please contact your advisor or call us at 1-877-SUN-LIFE (1-877-786-5433).